Friday, November 13, 2009

Solid growth in cloud-based revenues

Resilient Networks plc, the leading provider of enterprise voice services (and sponsors of this blog) today reports strong earnings for their fiscal year ending September 30th 2009. With over 46% revenue growth from cloud-based voice services, this represents a fifth successive year of revenue growth from the cloud.

And it’s not just revenue that’s showing impressive growth. Across all indicators, from subscriber growth, new customers, margins and network capacity, Resilient have been able to demonstrable substantial year on year gains. Infact, over the past three years alone, subscription revenue from the SmartNumbers services has increased by more than 230%.

Geoffrey Patterson, CEO of Resilient Networks plc is clear what has been the driving force behind this growth. “5 years ago we were a CPE solutions provider, installing hardware and software on premises for customers wishing to adopt flexible working and single number services. Today, we derive over 80% of revenues from cloud-based voice services, whether this is for our traditional market of flexible working to new propositions we have developed for Banking, Retail, Government and Defence companies. The lower total cost of ownership for cloud-based services, their ability to be deployed across legacy and IP infrastructure and the predictability of cost are just a few of the many reasons the enterprise is looking to the Cloud to deliver the next class of enterprise business applications.”

1 comment:

Internet marketing Company said...

Your so right the cloud is becoming the driving force in many areas of technology. As companies move to a more virtual infra structure. Thanks

This blog, sponsored by Resilient Networks plc, explores how Financial Services organisations are adopting VOICE SERVICES FROM THE CLOUD to increase agility, cut costs, achieve compliance and speed change.

More information on these services can be found at