Thursday, February 09, 2012

Banking Technology Innovation

Interesting article in this recent issue of Banking Technology here:

In this piece, my colleague Andrew Bale observes a trend that's become prevalent across Financial Services, and that being the desire of the larger banks to take on many of the responsibilities, but to benefit from many of the advantages, of being a telecoms operator.

It's not a great surprise really. Banks themselves tend to be amongst the largest global network operators. Rather than connect into third party networking services, banks invest huge sums themselves in building global networks, linking their sites, trading operations and customers. Fractions of a seconds in latency can make the difference between profitability of a trade, and building and maintaining these data networks are a core competency of any large banks.

However, when it comes to voice networks, banks are still having to rely upon the telcoms operators in each country to provide their connectivity to the public telephone network. Andrew observes that a clear trend in the UK financial services sector is to enable Banks themselves almost to become telecoms operators. In the past there were technical and regulatory hurdles that prevented this, but which have now largely disappeared.

One such service that is leading the way with financial services companies who wish to take advantage of the benefits previously reserved for telecoms operators is BT SmartNumbers Direct Connect.  Information can be found here:

With Direct Connect, major banks have at last been granted access to a carrier-grade service which is able to deliver on the promise of lower costs, enhanced resilience and increased business agility. Don't hesitate to get in touch if you want to find out more about this service or have a little Q&A.

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This blog, sponsored by Resilient Networks plc, explores how Financial Services organisations are adopting VOICE SERVICES FROM THE CLOUD to increase agility, cut costs, achieve compliance and speed change.

More information on these services can be found at